
TOP 10 Best Tips to Create an Efficient Team

Having a group of passionate individuals sharing the same goal is quite important in any endeavor. Whether you are running a business or want to organize a great social event, working with like-minded people will bring you success and open up new opportunities. It is crucial for that team to be as efficient as possible.

However, before managing the team and leading it to a glorious success, one must make one! You can read more about tips on creating a great team here.

Here are some our TOP 10 tips to make your team work like a single organism!

1. Set precise goals

One of the most important qualities of a leader is understanding strategic short-term and long-term goals. Defining them as concisely as possible is paramount.

2. Focus on cooperation

The whole team must be on the same page and pull together all the resources while using individual qualities of each member to the fullest extent.

3. Have a plan

It may seem obvious but many leaders do not have a comprehensive layout of actions that lead to a goal. Each team member must have an individual list of tasks.

4. Keep your people informed

Without all necessary information, an employee won’t be able to handle tasks efficiently. Provide detailed job descriptions, explain goals, and give valuable feedback.

5. Keep up a good atmosphere

A friendly environment and good relationships between team members positively affect the results. Make sure that everyone feels valued and comfortable.

6. Create incentives

To motivate people, you should have a reward system in place. Offer career opportunities, bonuses, and acknowledgement to those who make the biggest impact.

7. Be honest and fair

Gossips and trash-talking should be strictly prohibited. Do not talk behind the backs of your staffers and ensure that people are rewarded according to their value. Try to be as fair and honest as possible to build trust.

8. Keep track of goals and tasks

Make sure that your staffers are always on time and work conscientiously.

9. Don’t forget team building

Various exercises, corporate events, and socialization are vital to the continuous success of any team. People under your lead should feel that their efforts are meaningful and validated.

10. Shake things up

Occasionally, you should reassign and put different people in charge of certain tasks. Keeping the dynamic fresh and competitive will allow your employees to show their true potential.

You cannot achieve success without any support. Leading a team and working within it should be amongst your top priorities if you are to reach the goals that your set for yourself and people you work with.

7 reasons to use an event management app

People tend to search for ways to make their life easier. The global use of applications is no exception. There are many software solutions that will allow the event manager to run events more efficiently. If you are not yet using them in your work, then here are some solid arguments to start using the app to organize events.

1. Instant notifications

Sudden schedule changes often create a problem as everyone needs to be notified quickly. Here are different ways to do that: speak over the loudspeaker, gather everyone in one place, send a mailing list, etc. But with all these methods, there is by no means a small chance that someone will definitely miss the updated information regarding the event program. Instant Push notifications, on the other hand, can easily cope with this problem. Their main advantages: creating notifications does not require much effort and they are sent instantly to all the event participants.

2. Paperless events save you money and time

It can be time-consuming to print materials and distribute them, not to mention the costs. Moreover, you always need to remember about the restrictions: it is hardly possible to print out information about the event program, speakers, routes, all important points to each of the participants of the conference that may count thousands — it just takes up a lot of space and takes a lot of time. There are no such problems in the application; everything can be neatly arranged in different sections and are easy to navigate. Thus, you can save on the design, printing, and distribution of printed materials.

3. Convenient ticketing system

It is quite handy to sell tickets for events or individual events using the application — the user does not need to go to any third-party resources to which he can have low trust. 

4. In-app advertising

The mobile app can be used as another advertising channel. The simplest is the section about the partners of the event with their detailed descriptions and links included.

You can also use notifications to advertise to users. Offers from sponsors and partners will fit well into the event. Coffee break? It’s time to inform guests what proven coffee shop they should check out. There are a lot of situations where advertising notifications will come in handy.

5. Simplified networking

One of the reasons people come to different events is networking. If this is a small conference, then you can get to know the people in person, but what if two or three thousand people came to the event?

With the application, networking becomes much easier and more efficient: you will never lose business cards, you get a chance to get acquainted with the participants in absentia and choose several for personal acquaintance; after the end of the event you can invite a person to discuss something.

6. Easy interaction between the audience and the speaker

The application makes communication between conference participants much easier. This is facilitated by questions from the audience displayed in the application, ratings of participants, and questions, the Organizer can any time start a survey to find out the opinion of the participants about something, and immediately get feedback, and then act based on the information received. When using the application, many scenarios appear on how to interact with the guests of the event. 

7. Increasing audience engagement

This point follows from the previous one. You have various ways to engage the audience: polls, questionnaires, various rankings, ratings, quests that can be applied both in the educational and entertainment process. Most of these methods are gamification in one way or another. Anyone who has already implemented gamification in their events will be pleasantly surprised at how simple this operation is. 

You ought to forget that the application is useful only in cases of large-scale events as it can help in organizing trainings, team buildings, master classes, and other small events. Some services offer a free trial. For example, hosting an event for up to 10 people with the MULTIEVENT app will cost you nothing, but at the same time will significantly increase the quality and level of your event.

 In this article, we have revealed the main advantages of using mobile apps when organizing events. If you have not yet used such services before, then it’s time to make use out of it! The app has many benefits and additional features that can transform your event. This is exactly the case when you spend very little and get significant results! Try it yourself and see how just a few features can dramatically change the quality and level of your events. 

5 TOP Tips on How to Deal with Stage Fright

While it may not seem intimidating to talk in front of a crowd, experienced speakers are well acquainted with the fear of the stage. We all strive for validation and love when people agree to what we have to say. Simultaneously, we are terrified of the idea that our speeches may not be welcomed by the audience. We are afraid of failure.

Every single little fear adds up. They build incredibly potent anxiety right before you are supposed to walk out on the stage. Legs turn to jelly, hands start shaking, and words that you repeated a thousand times in front of the mirror do not fly out as smoothly as you imagined.

While some people eventually get over these fears, many remain fearful and cannot find success when speaking publicly.

Why should you worry?

Have you seen recent events where people present new products or share their personal stories? Huge conferences with speakers, personal vlogs, and other forms of interactions between people are in essence close interactions with an audience.

Public speaking is a large part of modern marketing, personal branding, and day-to-day living. Having this irrational fear is quite problematic.

Most online events now incorporate some form of public speakers with over 78% of all attending visitors saying that both the expertise and confidence of speakers dramatically affect the viewing experience. If you are using MultiEvent to create conferences and webinars, you must not show any form of stage fright.

Some say that every single person is different. We have our own fears and anxieties. However, general tips that can help you perform better during public speeches exist. Below are five useful tips that will improve your public speaking abilities.

Tip #1. Improve your health

Most people are attracted to beautiful, healthy people. It is widely accepted that people who look healthy and fresh are more convincing. There are several ways you can achieve that look:

  • Exercise regularly to keep your body in tonus;
  • Drink and eat fruits and vegetables;
  • Create a balanced sleep schedule.

When a speaker does not have sleepy, red eyes and expresses enthusiasm, they entertain their audience. Having better health also contributes to having a more dynamic speaking style. For example, you won’t have to catch your breath.

Tip #2. Do not think too much about upcoming speeches

Overthinking is a sure path to anxiety that cannot be dealt with. The more you think, the more minute issues you find in your speech and preparations. The only thing that matters during the speech is confidence.

What can you do to get rid of thoughts related to your upcoming speech?

  1. Listen to your favorite podcast or watch a speaker that inspires you. Remember speech patterns and jokes that make the speech more compelling. Try to incorporate these little tricks in your speech. Make it fun.
  2. Treat yourself to a snack before you go on the stage. Eating is the simplest way to release hormones that affect your mental state positively.
  3. Write down key points of your speech on paper. Doing so will help you build confidence and focus on the task at hand instead of overthinking what will happen after you go step in front of the microphone.

Tip #3. Preparations should be your main priority

Repetition creates success. If you want to make a statement with your speech and leave a long-lasting impression, studying the material and reading it aloud multiple times is a good exercise. Practice as much as possible. However, never practice at the last minute. It won’t help. Instead, focus on training regularly before the event.

There are many great techniques that will help you with memorization, visualization, and delivery of each line. Most of them can be found on the internet. Study them and incorporate them into your preparations.

Tip #4. Connect with the audience

When you make your first step on the stage, try to immediately establish a connection between you and your audience. Do not start with the speech immediately. Instead, smile at people, greet them with confidence and joy, use gestures and jokes to create a friendly atmosphere.

There are several other tricks that you can use:

  1. Find a couple of people in the audience and make eye contact with them while smiling. It will help you relax.
  2. If you are speaking to the audience via the internet, start with a joke, look directly into the camera, and smile.
  3. Choose a comfortable posture, but try to keep your back straight and hands open (do not put them in your pockets or cross them).

Tip #5. Don’t be afraid of mistakes

It is fine to make a mistake. Even the greatest speakers failed to convince their audiences many times in their lives. We all make mistakes and stumble when speaking. What you must do is turn every failure into a success. Every time you blunder, openly acknowledge it, and have a good fun together with your audience.

Think of funny excuses beforehand. Did your first words come out wrong? Did your voice crack? Well, remind everyone that karaoke is a good way to spend some time humiliating yourself in front of the audience and train for this fateful speech.

The main takeaway

Mark Twain once said that “you will never get over your public speaking anxiety”. He said that you can learn to cope and achieve success but only despite a “stampede of horses in your stomach”. It is true. Only some exceptional individuals managed to completely conquer their fears of failing in front of an audience.

What is great about modern times is that you can avoid personal contact. If you are making events using MultiEvent, you can easily set up meetings and conferences without the necessity to walk on the stage. It makes dealing with the stage fright slightly easier!

How to Deal with a Language Barrier: a Piece of Practical Advice

Advanced communication is possibly the only thing that separates human beings from other less developed animals. We know how to convey our feelings, intentions, and emotions in movements, words, images, and sounds.

language is a powerful tool that allows us to build better connections within communities and identify allies. Unfortunately, language can also be a divider and create cause conflicts. Why? Because there are so many of them.

As Brandi Gratis from Nullab puts it, there are multiple examples of language barriers that one may encounter. For example, the commonly known type of language barrier is when two people simply speak differently and cannot communicate normally. However, another form of a language barrier is when people share a certain language yet speak different dialects. Even tiny differences in contexts and meanings can create unwanted tensions.

One of the greatest examples is India where people speak 22 different recognized languages, read in 13 different scripts, and employ over 900 dialects.

Breaking a language barrier is extremely important for people who want to communicate with others properly. If you are moving abroad to work or study, quickly adapting and learning the language locals speak is detrimental to your success.

How to overcome a language barrier

The general advice that you will hear from people is actually quite solid. There are several tips that many of us hear whenever we ask how to “learn” a language:

  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Try to convey your thoughts using whatever arsenal of words available to you. It helps you build confidence and encourages you to learn more.
  • Practice makes perfect. Try to talk as much as possible, read aloud in the foreign language of your choosing, try to think in that language.
  • Make learning your hobby. Watch movies and YouTube videos in the language that you want to learn, listen to authentic music.

Yes, these tips do work. However, they are very vague and do not actually give you an opportunity to break the barrier right away. So, common sense aside, let’s talk about actual practical things that you can do to break a language barrier:

  1. Talk in simple terms. By simply communicating, you will slowly but surely build a strong lexicon. However, you need to communicate now. Use the simplest words and employ gestures to add more context. Instead of trying to say “I would like to eat salmon at a fancy restaurant”, say something along the lines of “I want to fish for dinner”. Then, go to a restaurant and point at salmon on the menu. Simple. Effective.
  2. Use translation apps. There are so many great translation apps that you can use to communicate better. Even Google Translate is not that bad considering the latest improvements and massive support from the community. Use modern technology to build stronger communication!
  3. Repeat words. A lot. Repetition is akin to practice yet the context here is different. Yes, trying to increase the volume of practice is cool, but have you tried just repeating a word until you hate it? Hate or love, you will definitely remember it.
  4. Learn a joke in the language you are learning. Many people tend to get mad when they are not understood. The tension is easily broken by a joke and a smile. Try to be funny. It works 95% of the time. Sadly, in 5% of the time, it will look awkward.

The main takeaway

Breaking language barriers is something that you must do as quickly as possible. Learning on the go is the motto of a modern human. Use our tips to build strong connections while still being a humble student!

Seminar for not-for-profit organisations (NPOs)

On September 9, 2020, we took active participation in the seminar “Information transparency of a social service provider: trends of 2020” as a part of cooperation with Russian National Association of Nonprofit Organizations (rosnko.ru). The organizers of the seminar prepared a rich program: they told not only about objectives and forms of information transparency for NPOs, but showed practical tools for informing the public about activities of nonprofit organizations.

Aleksandr Kolesnikov, a MULTIEVENT representative, told during seminar why a mobile app can be useful for NPOs and how one can get the MULTIEVENT app for free for charity events.

As a result of the seminar, more than ten organizations applied for support from our team. However, the application period is not over yet – you can submit your project for consideration through the forum on our web-site: https://web.multievent.online/ru/charity

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