Making preparations for an event is not an easy task. You not only need to meet the needs of the audience but also to quickly implement them. But besides this bunch of tasks, you need to get accommodation ready before inviting speakers and guests. And also people that you need to interact with, expecting a prompt response.
Even professional event managers resort to the help of available means at hand. Needless to say about an ordinary employee who was appointed responsible for the event. Of course, you can write everything down in a notebook like in good old days, and then do a bulk mailing in social networks, watching if they will answer right away or it’s just another day wasted. However, this is not the only way out.
The MULTIEVENT mobile app will step in and save the day. The benefits and advantages of using it at the events will be appreciated not only by professional organizers. The application allows you to manage and conduct business conferences, master classes, open lessons, weddings and exhibitions, etc., more efficiently. Besides the set of useful and handy features, let’s consider the main advantages this application has.
• You no longer need to keep separate lists for each topic; the application will arrange itself and clearly show the entire progress in the preparation. All you have to do is simply fill it with content, including attendee lists, speakers, library, and other materials. The chance to miss something important tends to zero.
• This is a new alternative to printed booklets. The participants can get access to all event details by scanning the QR code. If something has changed in the event materials (event’s agenda, participants, event location), it instantly changes in the app with a single click.
• You no longer need to think about how to get feedback. MULTIEVENT allows you to conduct a survey where you can ask whatever you want. You must always consider the opinion of the event participants because it was for them that the event was made.
Also, you can carry out a vote and quickly get feedback from all participants at any time.
• Participants networking. The app has a list of all the event participants. You can text anyone, ask a question, or make an appointment. This is a kind of short-life social network.
• You will no longer need to reach out to ask your question to speakers or look for the organizers in the hall to ask them. All participants can do this right from the app. You can drag the featured chats to the main screen.
• Special mention should be made of the list of partners and sponsors. Previously, you could find information about them on a large banner, where it was very difficult to make out where whose logo was, or you could find the details in booklets, which were often used as a fan rather than for reading.
Now we can place information about sponsors and partners right in the app to get participants familiar with the services or products offered.
The sponsor can clearly see how many participants visited his page in the app and how many visited the site by clicking on the link. A lot more people will want to collaborate with you.
• PUSH notifications
Thanks to Push-notifications about agenda changes or news that is constantly updated, your participants will be up-to-date and won’t miss anything. Many people practice sending notifications the day before the event or even a few hours to attract those who are still in doubt.
The timely sent Push-notification adds up to 1.5-3% of participants.
The whole world strives for interactivity. Don’t miss your opportunity to adjust your business to the modern framework model.
MULTIEVENT changes the format of events itself saving your time and money.
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