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Myths and misconceptions

Опубликовал Jana Gofman, . Категория: , .

The world changes every second, adapting to new realities. Fast, easy and most importantly contactless — these are the modern requirements. They also concern the organization of events. Is it possible to make the perfect conference remotely? Minimize all risks, but hold the right exhibition? Of course, the MULTIEVENT constructor will help with this. Build your app yourself!

This is where the first fears, blocking our possibilities appear. Maybe we’ll do everything in the old- fashioned way, writing everything on paper? And we will make a phone call and then send the necessary documents by mail!

Don’t panic, let’s look through the most common myths:

1. It’s hard

You don’t have to do programming, set up codes or hire a layout designer. A clear constructor will do everything for you. A whole library of tips will also help you. Do you want to explore all the capabilities of the application? Sign up your employees for online training at the MULTIEVENT Academy.

2. It’s long

Almost half an hour after the registration, all necessary blocks will be at your disposal, and all necessary information will be available in the application. No one knows better than you what your event should look like. So create it yourself, using all the constructor’s features.

3. It’s expensive

This is another delusion that stops many people. Frankly speaking, it is very profitable. Let everyone draw conclusions for themselves. You will be pleasantly surprised. You do not have to limit the scale, even the most numerous events will not hit you in the pocket. You can get acquainted with the price list on our website.

4. It’s not what I need

As a result, you will get an individual application for all your requests, with the ability to download the program, descriptions of each event, information about speakers and partners, and much more. Gamify, let your event remain in the memory as something new, interesting, unexpected, and most importantly modern. With the MULTIEVENT app it is possible!

Jana Gofman

Jana Gofman

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