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The major qualities an event manager cannot do without

Опубликовал Jana Gofman, . Категория: , .

An event manager is a great organizer, a sort of multi-armed Shiva. With his magic touch, any event can simply set out from a puzzling task into a coherent picture. He knows exactly what you need, so the result is always great.

What qualities should this super person have?

Be a good judge of character. He must be a kind of psychologist, even if he doesn’t have a qualification degree. People are different, everyone needs a personal approach. Someone does not know what he really wants, and what he really does is listing out mutually exclusive requirements. Someone gets intimidated and tries to disguise his/her true desires. It is difficult to please somebody without being able to get into a conversation with a person.

The next quality of an event manager complements the previous one. 

Social skills. Get on well with everyone. Literally with any person. Be it an eccentric musician, or a self-important host, or even a picky client (it’s not that they are all arrogant, but there are some). He should be at home among strangers.

Flexibility. Everything goes according to plan when suddenly the restaurant in which you made a reservation spots staphylococcus! The common person will think it’s a terrible thing and will get disappointed. But not our hero. In no time he will find another suitable restaurant and even ask for a report from a consumer safety inspection, just in case. It’s always better to take an extra step forward. Of course, this is a completely uttermost example, but no matter what public place it is, you always need to be as flexible as possible.

Leadership. He is the one whom people follow. The work on any event needs a lot of people to be involved, from an ordinary employee to a prestigious musician. The event manager’s task is to get everyone together.

Creativity. Everyone’s holidays are simply boring. A true manager brings in fresh and bright ideas every single time and leaves customers impressed.

Time management skills. This does not require any comments at all, though I should mention that it’s extremely hard to do as much as possible in 24 hours and remain in the right state of mind. It is better to learn to highlight important matters at once and not forget about others. For instance, have time for sleep, because an event manager also must be full of beans.

Enthusiasm and love for what you do. He just has to be all business. Simply sitting your working hours and doing nothing doesn’t really work. Besides, no one will ever hire this kind of person. A true manager perceives each event as a mini-challenge he has to deal with. Will he be able to do it even better and more exciting? Or maybe make things more entertaining? There is always room for perfection.

As you could probably see, the major qualities of an event manager are not limited to the standard description of the responsibility statement. He always generates bright ideas, responds quickly, and is constantly in touch. He is the best helper and friend during the entire event. But most importantly, he will make guests enjoy the event to the fullest without getting sidetracked.

Jana Gofman

Jana Gofman

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