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  • The main advantages of gamification

The main advantages of gamification

Опубликовал Jana Gofman, . Категория: , .

Everyone loves to play games, and it doesn’t matter how old they are. Even the most serious boss will gladly plunge into a fantasy world, inspired by an unusual storyline and setting.

To defuse the atmosphere, give the event a team spirit, stimulate the participants  — gamification will cope with all these things. This modern method will make your event truly memorable.

Your real assistant in that is MULTIEVENT application. Its functionality allows you to implement:


For active participation, participants are awarded points, which can later be exchanged for any bonuses (branded pens with a logo, a cocktail in a bar, etc.). Or you can get the chance to earn a solid amount of points and win the opportunity to dine with the CEO of the company.


Load maps and send participants to complete various tasks and overcome obstacles in order to guess the next item.


Conduct polls to encourage comments and feedback. By the way, you can also give a few points for this.


There is no longer any need to yell from the audience or reach out to intercept the microphone. We just answer the questions in the application itself and decide who is the most erudite participant this time.

It’s no secret that many activities are voluntary but compulsory at the same time. If the boss has set the event in the plan, it means that all employees must come. In this case, the game format with the accrual of points and the recording of actions will make it possible to turn passive listeners into active participants. Few people want to stay on the sidelines, especially when an interesting prize is at stake.

Another sphere of ​​application for gamification is educational programs. It is necessary to evaluate and award points, but how to do it and not go down to the banal twos and fives?

The chief engineer will definitely not want to feel like a schoolboy again. Using individual QR codes, the application can automatically award points for attendance at lectures, for questions to speakers, for messages in online discussions, for successful passing of tests and completed assignments. Learning efficiency is increased.

The possibilities of gamification are limited only by the organizer’s imagination. It can be a pirate quest to find a buried treasure, with riddles and virtual notes right on the map. Or escape from a villain, where each master key is another test. Everything is real.

Decide for yourself what your event should be. And implement your solution together with MULTIEVENT.

Jana Gofman

Jana Gofman

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