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Teambuilding: what do you need to know before carrying it out?

Опубликовал Jana Gofman, . Категория: , .

The main task of team building is considered to be the rallying of this team. With the help of various games, contests and tasks, the participants of the team increase the team spirit, unite, and, as practice shows, strengthen their relations. To complete this task successfully, you must remember the basic principles of organizing the team building. Following the principles set out below, you can be sure that the team building technique will bring the desired result.

So let’s look at six principles of successful team building.

1. Follow the plan

  Since team building is carried out in stages, it is necessary to clearly formulate the plan for this event and adhere to it. Work out the plan to welcome all the participants, the team building program itself and its end. It’s not enough to work out the plan itself, you also need to schedule the event. Calculate the optimal amount of time for all points in the plan, preferably with a small reserve of time. Then you will not have to rush and urge everyone, and most importantly, you yourself will not have to panic that everything doesn’t go according to the plan.

2. Pay attention to details

A successful result depends a lot on the little things. Attention to every detail is an additional coin to the treasury of team building success. Everything is important: transfers, dishes, branding and music. Select quality equipment for your event. It is also important to have a technician on hand, equipment installation is unpredictable business. Well thought out details will ensure your success in the end.

3. Choose a professional host

The main role in team building, of course, is given to the leader. It should be a bright personality capable of giving the team a positive and cheerful mood. Add a little creativity to the program, because no one will like the contests and tasks that everyone has known for a long time.

4. Involve all participants

It is very important that all participants are active in the event. Try to involve everyone as much as possible, this is the whole point of this event. Nobody should be left out. Everyone needs to feel their role and the importance of participation.

5. Work out the menu carefully

Most often, team building lasts the greater part of the day, right up to the evening. The event can be held at the highest level, but an ill-conceived menu will negate the whole impression. It is very important to provide meals for the team. Do not forget to coordinate the menu with each participant, what if someone is allergic to your proposed dish? Choose the best gastronomic combinations so that the participant is not hungry and out of humor all day. A professional chef will advise you on this delicate matter.

6. Collect feedback

Feedback is always needed. Participants can share their impressions at any time, it is not necessary to do it right after the end of the team building and make everyone share their feedback. Employees can express their opinion already in the office after the team building. It is important to listen to everyone. It is possible that they will also criticize. Criticism is also good. It is necessary to treat it with understanding and be sure to take the mistakes into account for the future. After all, it is the work over the mistakes that will make your next event much better and will raise it to a higher level.

By adhering to the above rules, the likelihood of your team building being successful increases significantly. Follow your plan, concentrate on the details, be in a good mood and everything will definitely work out!

Jana Gofman

Jana Gofman

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